Axdi iyo amar waalid 95

AXDI IYO AMAR WAALID” Waa Musalsal cusub oo Af Somali ah taasoo xambaarsan sheeko Family ah Murugo sheeko aad marnaba ka .

Zain and Aaliya are absolutely confused over their emotions. Zain decides to express his love through flowers.

Axdi iyo Amar Waalid(English: Extremity, Limitless, Without Boundaries) is an Indian television show. Musalsal Axdi Iyo Amar Waalid ( x 1) . Aaliya tells Zain that she has seen Khadija Bi stealing money from Usman’s drawer and she is confident about it. Don’t miss high quality movies Bollywoo Hollywoo TV Series, Events and more. AXDI IYO AMAR WAALID” Waa Musalsal cusub oo Af Somali ah taasoo xambaarsan sheeko Family ah. Action 124; Adventure 10; axdi-iyo-amar-waalid-af-somali 0; comedy 100; crime. Madventures S03EWest Africa Bloo Spirits Voodooseason episode 3. Fanproj Productions Entertainment is the biggest dubbing company in Somalia, We make Movies, TV Shows Events to our mother language Af . ROTI KHOL DAYO (FULL DRAMA) – 20OFFICIAL UPLOAD OF BEST PAKISTANI COMEDY STAGE.

Qaabkan waxaa ka tirsan falalka qaabkooda fal amar ee kelida ah oo aan.