Risperidon forum

De jeg kjenner til som har gått på det har alle sammen fått de samme bivirkningene. Risperdal, lurer på hvilke erfaringer andre har hatt av dette preparatet, og eventuelle bivirkninger? For dager siden – Recently active Risperdal forums and community discussion threads.

Post your question or story about Risperdal and connect with others who . Risperidone has stopped the voices which is good. View latest discussions about Risperidone (Risperdal). Discuss Risperidone (Risperdal) with others.

I want to tell people how life on Risperdal was. In bed all day, crying to GOD to save me from the doctors. Question – Can i trip even tho i take 1mg Risperdal every night. Opinions – Was Risperidone worth it to you? Experiences – experiences with risperidone, aripiprazole. Side effects – Risperdal (Risperidone) messed me up23.

Risperdal – Forums at Psych Centralforums. Has anyone tried Risperdal to treat schizophrenia? I’m years ol 5′ weigh 1pounds, and am .

I have been taking Risperdal for over a year. I threw it out of the window once because I felt sedated all the time, but now my psychiatrist has . Common Questions and about Risperidone forum. Avatar m tn Hello sorry if this has been discussed before but I’m new to the forum.

I had my last dose of Risperidone yesterday and am happy to get off it. The side effects I experienced were I always felt dull,lethargic,devoid of energy and it also . Got diagnosed with schizophrenia this week. I have been wondering what the long term effects of risperdal is on autistic people. Mainly if it affects their ability to think clearly after the . I was on Risperdal, in addition to Clozaril and Prozac, for a short period of time. The Risperdal made me lactate (I’m a woman) which is . Risperdal Generic Name: risperidone Treatment for: Schizophrenia and Mania associated with Bipolar. Anyone have experience with Risperidone for violent behaviors in a young child?

Does any of the forum readers have experience with risperdal with (suspected) LBD and is Quetiapine possibly a better choice to address . And I’m dropping it from a high dose too (3mg) so I pretty much wanna die right now. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from. Risperidone unlike Quetiapine and Olanzapine does not posses any . I was more wanting to know what was causing this, but my doctor was busy and so instead called me in Risperdal.