There is there are regel

There brukes der det er mulig å si at noe eksisterer eller finnes. It brukes om alt annet, som å vise til noe som har vært sagt tidligere, . There is – There are in Affirmative sentences, Negative sentences and Questions. We use there is and there are to say that something exists. Det er mange lag i turneringa There are many teams in the tournament.

REGEL:Viss det eigentlege subjektet er eit substantiv, skal vi bruke there. University of Victoria – Regler for It og There. En grei regel er at vi bruker some der vi vet helt sikkert at dette noe fins, som i There are some apples on the table eller Could you give me . Jeg har hatt engelsk i mange år men nå stod det litt fast.

Fagstoff: It is often difficult to decide whether to use it or there in English.

In Norwegian det is used for both of them. It or There – Grammar Animation Watch the . När det handlar om väder, temperatur, avstånd och tid heter det alltid it på engelska. Key examples: There is a piano in the room.

Usage: the construction there is, there are is used . Hei, så bra at du bruker Digital leksehjelp! Som regel så bruker man verbene is (entall) og are (flertall).

Hei, lurte på når vi skal bruke it and there? Noen som kan gi meg en skikkelig god svar? English clauses always have a subject: His father has just retired. Regeln und Beispiele für there is, there are in Sätzen und Fragen.

Vet du någon regel som skulle vara bra att kunna? It and there are used as subjects when there is no natural subject in a sentence. Mit there is and there are kann man im Englischen Sätze einleiten, wenn man.

Es machen aber sehr viele Deutsche den Fehler It gives oder there gives . There is there are grammar and exercises.