Secrets of bumblebees

Power of Earth Productions; Award: Gold World Medal; Brand: ORF Enterprise; Title: Secrets of Bumblebees . Secrets of Bumblebees Produced by ORF and Power of Earth Productions in association with ORF. A co-production by ORF and Power of Earth Productions in association with . Bumblebees: the chubby, fuzzy cousins of the bee species. Explore the secret world of the chubby, fuzzy bumblebee. They are chubbier, fuzzier and more leisurely than their sisters, the bees. They are a lot less aggressive and awe-inspiring than their cousins the wasps. This film accompanies a bumblebee queen through her year in order to experience the adventurous life of this furry relative of the bee.

From ORF’s UNIVERSUM strand we are delighted to announce the release of Secrets of Bumblebees: They are chubbier, fuzzier and more . Kimalasi on maailmas paarisaja liigi ümber, kuid ometi teatakse neist palju vähem kui mesilastest.

Dokumentaalfilmis jälgitakse ühe hoolika . Ze zijn molliger, hariger en gemoedelijker dan hun zussen, de bijen. Ze zijn een stuk minder agressief en afschrikwekkend dan hun neven, de wespen. Они больше, пушистей и спокойнее, чем пчелы. Они не так агрессивны и напористы, как осы. They even take care of sunflowers, even though the bumblebee’s offspring’s. Secrets of the Hive’ joins researchers on three continents and discovers the . Høyteknologisk filmutstyr tar oss med inn i humlas verden, og vi får være vitne til dens unike evner og egenskaper.

Learn Balloon Decorations today with world-famous Charles Prosper. For almost a century, baffled scientists have wondered how bumblebees stay in the air. Now a new study has shown they defy the laws of . Secrets of the Bumblebees : Footage of the insects in early spring, using high speed and macro cameras to capture their behaviour up close . Secrets of the Bumblebees – Factual on RTÉ Player.