Vhf radio

VHF radio can refer to several communications services in the very high frequency (VHF) range, including: Airband aircraft radio; Amateur radio in the 6-, 2- and . Marine VHF radio refers to the radio frequency range between 156. In the official language of the International Telecommunication .

Veldig høy frekvens (VHF) er elektromagnetisk stråling i området til 3MHz. VHF-området brukes mye til kringkasting og telefoni. Very high frequency (VHF) is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) from MHz to 3MHz, with . Squelchen kan da stilles noe høyere slik at radioen kun gir lyd når signalet er.

VHF-nett som politi- og helseradionett, maritim VHF og det ble brukt i . In telecommunications, squelch is a circuit function that acts to suppress the audio (or video) output of a receiver in the absence of a sufficiently strong desired input signal. Squelch is widely used in two-way radios and radio scanners to suppress.

Gå til UHF versus VHF – The most common two-way radio systems operate in the VHF and UHF parts of the radio spectrum. Airband or Aircraft band is the name for a group of frequencies in the VHF radio spectrum allocated to radio communication in civil aviation, sometimes also . A trunked radio system is a complex type of computer-controlled two-way radio system that allows sharing of relatively few radio frequency channels among a .