
A sea eagle is any of the birds of prey in the genus Haliaeetus in the bird of prey family Accipitridae. Sea eagles vary in size, from Sanford’s sea eagle, averaging . The white-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), also known as the white-breasted sea eagle, is a large diurnal bird of prey in the family Accipitridae.

The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. A sea eagle, it has two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla). Havørn (Haliaeetus albicilla) er Nord-Europas største rovfugl og den fjerde største ørnen i verden. Arten er en av flere rovfugler i haukefamilien.

White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) are also known as eagle of the rain, sea grey eagle, erne gray eagle, and white-tailed sea-eagle — is a large bird of . Det er ingen tilgjengelig beskrivelse av dette resultatet på grunn av nettstedets robots. Haliaeetus is one of the currently available species on Ovipets.

Instantly recognisable as the national emblem of the United States, the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) has long been a key symbol in the human . Haliaeetus), of which the bald eagle is best known. SpeciesHaliaeetus leucogasterwhite-bellied sea eagle. SpeciesHaliaeetus leucoryphusPallas’s fish eagle. Range Description: This species breeds in Canada, USA, Mexico, and the French island territories of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Haliaeetus leucoryphus, Haliaeetus sanfordi, Haliaeetus vociferoides – species. Habitat: Havørnen finnes fra den ytterste kystlinjen til innerst i fjordene, men den er mest tallrik i øyrike områder i ytre fjordstrøk.

The bald eagle is 30-inches in length with a wingspan of 6-feet. It has a dark brown body, a white tail and a white head and shoulders. See a rich collection of stock images, vectors, or photos for, haliaeetus, you can buy on Shutterstock.

Explore quality images, photos, art more. Haliaeetus albicilla: Locally in Palearctic, sw Greenlan w Iceland and w Alaska. The Bald Eagle is the national symbol of the United States and is found on the presidential seal, money, and stamps.