Search in the vessel database by IMO number, MMSI or name. Monitor live vessel positions, current vessel destinations . Search for a number; Send a new request; Send a query.
Existing Users Login to: Send a ship IMO request; Requests must meet the terms of . The website helps you to find corrent SHIP IMO NUMBER easily, under free. The system will search the items,which the name or imo number is start with your . International Maritime Organization (IMO) numbers are a unique reference for ships and for registered ship owners and management companies. BufretLignendeOversett denne sidenThe IMO ship identification number scheme was introduced in 19through. Numbers, by using the available “Search” facility.
IMO Company, IMO Ship Identification Number Scheme.
IHS Fairplay is the originating source for the IMO Ship Number and is the sole authority with . The International Maritime Organization (IMO) number is a unique reference for ships and for. Stern of Evangelia displaying IMO 9176187 . Dive into the FleetMon Vessel Database and search for ships from all over the world. Search by name, IMO or MMSI numbers, flag state, length and vessel type.
I have a contact in imo but he is not in my phone contacts and he has not mentioned his number in his profile. Vessel name, IMO no, Main class notation, Non-class service, Search hit .
From the initial search page you are able to search for vessels using the IMO Number, Current Ship Name or Previous Ship Name. Using the text boxes provided simply type in the text you wish to search the database. IMO number: Call Sign: Ship Name: COMPANY SEARCH. IMO number: Company Name: INSPECTION SEARCH. Use the filters to narrow down your search.
Lloyd’s Register Group Services Limited Reg. The site is free to use but requires registration. To get your username and password simply register. Access to the IMO Numbers Database is restricted to users .